Bell Pepper Bacon Macaroni (Contains Fructose)

This unforgettable bell pepper bacon macaroni is an absolute must try! It makes for a nutritious and incredibly delicious meal, for those of us who are able to tolerate fructose.

Want to turn this feel good meal fancy? Exchange the macaroni for lasagna and your Christmas main course is ready to be served!

This recipe contains high amounts of fructose

Red, orange and yellow bell pepper – as well as cherry tomatoes – contain high amounts of fructose. If you don’t tolerate fructose well, but do tolerate fructans, opt for green bell peppers instead.
Green bell pepper contains high amounts of fructans. If you don’t tolerate fructans well, but do tolerate fructose, opt for red, orange or yellow bell peppers instead.
If you do not tolerate either – or are still figuring out which FODMAP’s you do and do not tolerate, then this recipe isn’t for you. Luckily, we have loads of other recipes for you to try šŸ™‚

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1tbsp chives We used dried chives, but any chives will do!
1tsp thyme
1tsp oregano
1tbsp basil
1/2tsp salt
1tbsp paprika powder
1tbsp nutritional yeast
2tbsp garlic infused olive oil Generally speaking, garlic infused olive oil is low in FODMAP's, but make sure to check the ingredients or when in doubt, just use plain olive oil - that will do just fine too.
2cups gluten-free macaroni Be sure to use a low-FODMAP macaroni. Most gluten-free macaroni's are low-FODMAP, but even when gluten-free, remember to check the ingredients to make sure it's actually low-FODMAP.
1/2cup coconut yoghurt We used coconut yoghurt, but any low-FODMAP yoghurt substitute (e.g. lactose free yoghurt) will do!
300gr bacon
100gr vegan mozzarella We used vegan mozzarella, but any low-FODMAP mozzarella substitute (e.g. lactose free mozzarella) will do!
50gr gluten-free breadcrumbs Be sure to use a low-FODMAP breadcrumb substitute, like gluten-free breadcrumbs. Most gluten-free breadcrumbs are low-FODMAP, but even when gluten-free, don't forget to check the ingredients to make sure it's actually low-FODMAP.
6 bell peppers Red, orange & yellow bell pepper contain high amounts of fructose. If you donā€™t tolerate fructose well, but do tolerate fructans, opt for green bell peppers instead. If you donā€™t tolerate fructans well, but do tolerate fructose, opt for red, orange or yellow bell peppers instead.
250gr cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes contain high amounts of fructose, from 75gr onwards. If you don't tolerate fructose well, this recipe isn't for you.
branch of spring onion Beware that the bulb of spring onions contains both fructans & fructose. Use the green tops only to keep this meal low in FODMAP's.



Preheat a large wok pan

Preheat a large wok pan - with 2tbsp of garlic infused olive oil - on medium heat, while you dice the green tops of your spring onions into small little rings (or whatever size you like best).
Let it simmer on low heat, until sauteed nice and golden brown.
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Bell pepper playtime

Cut your bell peppers into little cubes and add them to your wok with spring onions.
Sautee the bell peppers on low to medium heat, for about 20 minutes. Make sure to keep stirring regularly, to prevent it from burning.
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Add your flavoring

Add your chives, thyme, oregano, basil and salt to the bell pepper mixture.
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Tomatoe - tomato

Cut your cherry tomatoes into quarters.
Once the bell peppers have shrunken down significantly, add your cherry tomatoes to your wok (containing spring onions and bell peppers). Let it simmer on low-heat for another 20 minutes.
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Bacon is good for me

Bake your bacon until golden brown and crunchy.
Once ready, let it cool down and proceed to crush it into tiny pieces.
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Momma's macaroni

Heat up a large pan of water with a pinch of salt, to cook your macaroni. Once boiling, add the macaroni for however long the package prescribes, subtracting that cooking time by 2 minutes (to make sure your macaroni doesn't turn into a mush in the oven).
Once the time is up, drain the macaroni and add your (coconut) yoghurt, as well as the bacon, nutritional yeast and vegetable mixture.
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Preheat your oven

Preheat your oven, using the grill setting, on 220 CĀ°.
Get your oven dish ready, by oiling up both the bottom and sides of the dish. Add the macaroni to the dish and proceed to the final step.
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Cheesy crust

Add both your cheese and gluten-free breadcrumbs on top of the macaroni.
Pop your beautiful creation into the oven for about 10-20 minutes, until the crust has turned nice and golden brown and enjoy your home made comfort food! Don't forget to let us know how you liked the recipe - our Instagram DM's @theFODMAPbible are always open :)
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Just like the saying goes: all ways lead to Rome, all recipes can be cooked in countless different ways. Do whatever floats your boat and in case you have suggestions for improvements, be sure to leave a comment :)
In a world filled with calorie counting and diet culture, we purposely decided not provide caloric nutritional information, as this might be triggering for individuals who have a past with eating disorders.