Italian Bruschetta (Low-FODMAP)

This beautiful bruschetta recipe is an explosion of flavors that come together on your plate. The crunch of the bread, the juiciness of the tomatoes, the garlic oil that reminds you of your days prior to the low-FODMAP diet, the fresh basil and lemon complementing each other so lovely- this recipe will continue to blow your mind.

Bruschetta is one of those meals that are fantastic, because often times you already have all the ingredients needed in order to prepare it.

This recipe is good for 4 slices of bruschetta.

This recipe contains high amounts of fructose, but is low-FODMAP when a smaller amount is consumed.

Cherry tomatoes contain moderate amounts of fructose from 60gr onwards and high amounts of fructose from 75gr onwards. If you consume only 45gr of cherry tomatoes a day, this recipe is low in FODMAP’s.

If you do not tolerate fructose – or are still figuring out which FODMAP’s you do and do not tolerate, then this recipe isn’t for you. Luckily, we have loads of other recipes for you to try 🙂

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4slices of bread In order to keep this recipe low-FODMAP, be sure to use a sourdough or glutenfree bread. Most gluten-free bread is low-FODMAP, but even when gluten-free, be sure to check the ingredients to make sure it's truly low in FODMAP's.
300gr cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes contain moderate amounts of fructose from 60gr onwards and high amounts of fructose from 75gr onwards. If you consume only 45gr of cherry tomatoes a day, this recipe is low in FODMAP's.
5tbsp garlic infused olive oil 1tbsp of garlic infused olive oil goes into the tomato mixture, the other 4 tbsps are used to bake the bread.
1tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/4tsp salt
black pepper Add however much you like!
a handful of basil
a squeeze of lemon



Old bread? No problem!

You are more than welcome to make this recipe with crispy fresh bread, but it truly isn't necessary and will work just fine with old bread too.
If your bread is a little bit dry, be sure to sprinkle it with a generous amount of water, in order to make it crispy in the right way - not the dry way.
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Baked bread is the best bread

Put a pan with 4tbsp of garlic infused olive oil on low heat and let it warm up for 3-4 minutes.
When the pan has properly heated, add your 4 slices of bread.
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The secret to bruschetta

I'm going to let you in on a secret... Baking your bread into bruschetta takes time. Keep your pan on the lowest heat possible and do NOT turn it up. Patience is key.
Flip your bread every 3-4 minutes and let it bake until it is beautiful and golden brown on both sides. This will take around 10-20 minutes. When the color is right, the crunch will be perfect.
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Slice your cherry tomatoes until they have the desired size. We find that slicing the cherry tomatoes into 6 little pieces, works best.
Put them in a bowl and get a colander ready. A colander? Yes, a colander.
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Time for flavor

Take your tablespoon of garlic infused olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, as well as a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and add it to the tomatoes. Add black pepper to taste.
Slice your handful of fresh basil into tiny pieces and add them to the tomatoes as well. Give it all a thorough stir and set it aside until your bread is ready!
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The love story of bread meets tomato

Nobody likes soggy bread and that's exactly why you got your colander ready!
Drain your tomatoes, give the colander a good shake and add the tomatoes back to your beautifully golden brown bread.
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A little lemon goes a long way

Slice open a fresh lemon (or use an old one you have laying around the house) and drizzle it over the bread. If you have guests, give them a little show! Drizzle your lemon over their bruschetta right in front of their faces and astonish your audience ;)
Be sure to let us know how you liked this crunchy explosion of flavors. We can't wait to see how your bruschetta turned out, so don't hesitate to slide into our DM's @theFODMAPbible on Instagram :)
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Just like the saying goes: all ways lead to Rome, all recipes can be cooked in countless different ways. Do whatever floats your boat and in case you have suggestions for improvements, be sure to leave a comment :)
In a world filled with calorie counting and diet culture, we purposely decided not provide caloric nutritional information, as this might be triggering for individuals who have a past with eating disorders.