Taco’s To Remember (Contain Fructose)

These mouthwatering taco’s are crunchy, juicy, flavorful and packed with all the right nutrients. A perfect recipe to try if you’ve figured out you can handle the FODMAP category: fructose.


This recipe contains high amounts of fructose
Red, orange and yellow bell pepper – as well as cherry tomatoes – contain high amounts of fructose. If you don’t tolerate fructose well, but do tolerate fructans, opt for green bell peppers instead.
Green bell pepper contains high amounts of fructans. If you don’t tolerate fructans well, but do tolerate fructose, opt for red, orange or yellow bell peppers instead.
If you do not tolerate either – or are still figuring out which FODMAP’s you do and do not tolerate, then this recipe isn’t for you. Luckily, we have loads of other recipes for you to try šŸ™‚

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6 bell peppers Red, orange & yellow bell pepper contain high amounts of fructose. If you donā€™t tolerate fructose well, but do tolerate fructans, opt for green bell peppers instead. If you donā€™t tolerate fructans well, but do tolerate fructose, opt for red, orange or yellow bell peppers instead.
250gr cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes contain high amounts of fructose, from 75gr onwards. If you don't tolerate fructose well, this recipe isn't for you.
375gr (vegan) minced meat We prefer to opt for a vegetarian or vegan replacement of minced meat, but do whatever floats your boat :)
4tbsp garlic infused olive oil Generally speaking, garlic infused olive oil is low in FODMAP's, but make sure to check the ingredients or when in doubt, just use plain olive oil - that will do just fine too.
1branch of spring onions Beware that the bulb of spring onions contains both fructans & fructose. Use the green tops only to keep this ingredient low in FODMAP's.
1tbsp dried coriander
1tbsp chives
1tsp salt Personally I'm a big fan of salt - likely a bigger fan than you are - so please make sure to taste and add salt in small doses, like my bff always says: "you can always add more, but you can never take it out once it's in there."
1/2tsp curcuma
1/2tsp rosemary
1/2tsp paprika powder
1/4tsp cumin
1/4tsp oregano
1/4tsp chili powder Chili contains capsaicin, this is NOT a FODMAP, however it might trigger heartburn and / or abdominal pain in some individuals withĀ IBSĀ orĀ SIBO.
200gr lettuce
1/2 cucumber
12 taco shells



Preheat a large wok pan

Preheat a large wok pan - with 2tbsp of garlic infused olive oil - on low heat, while you dice the green tops of your spring onions into small little rings (or whatever size you like best).
Add the spring onions to the pan when diced and keep stirring the pan every once in a while, as you proceed to the next steps.
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Bell pepper party

Chop all 6 bell peppers into tiny cubes. Set aside until all of them are chopped and then add them all to your wok at once.
Sautee the bell peppers on low to medium heat, for about 20 minutes. Make sure to keep stirring regularly, to prevent it from burning.
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Cut your cherry tomatoes into quarters.
Once the bell peppers have shrunken down significantly, add your cherry tomatoes to your wok (containing spring onions and bell peppers). Let it simmer on low-heat for another 20 minutes.
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Preheat for the meat (replacement)

While letting your bell pepper mixture cook itself, take another pan and preheat the remaining 2tbsp of garlic infused olive oil on low to medium heat. Add your meat (replacement) together with the coriander, chives, curcuma, rosemary, paprika powder, chili powder, cumin, oregano and salt. Stir the entire mixture well.
Please note: I'm a big fan of salt - likely a bigger fan than you are - so please make sure to taste and add the recommended amount of salt in small doses, like my bff always says: "you can always add more, but you can never take it out once it's in the there."
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The magic of the mix

Once your meat (substitute) is cooked nicely, combine it with your spring onion, tomato and bell pepper mixture. Stir well and set aside.
This will be the filling to your taco's so be sure to taste it, as this will be the last opportunity to add additional ingredients.
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From shell to taco

Preheat your oven in accordance to that which is stated on your taco shell packaging. Once preheated, pop your taco shells into the oven - for however long the package prescribes - and wait for the magic to happen.
Chop the cucumber into little cubes and set aside. Proceed to get your lettuce ready and set aside as well.
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Once your taco's are beautifully golden and crispy take them out of the oven and fill them with the magic mixture you created, topping it off with lettuce and cucumber.
Both guacamole and salsa sauce make incredible additions to this recipe. However, the main ingredient to guacamole is: avocado, which can only be consumed in very small portions or in larger ones by those who tolerate sorbitol well. Salsa sauce tends to be filled with garlic and onion and is thus another one of those absolute no go's. Want to sin regardless? Do so at your own risk. And when you then find yourself on the toilet, be sure to DM us on Instagram, telling us if the symptoms were worth the taste... ;)
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